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Lance Rothschild
CEO: MTN Radio Awards

Taryn Westoby
COO: MTN Radio Awards

Michelle McBride
Assistant: MTN Radio Awards

Claire Schimper
Assistant: MTN Radio Awards
MTN Radio Awards

/ #mtnradio


About the MTN Radio Awards

The MTN Radio Awards aims to present a credible, well-judged transparent programme that promotes and recognises excellence in radio, with the objective of ensuring that radio remains one of South Africa’s foremost media choices. It’s about rewarding those individuals and organisations who combine talent, hard work and skill to ensure that their listeners are compelled.

With radio still at the forefront of media utilised by South Africans to interact with their world, the MTN Radio Awards seeks to motivate radio people and organisations to constantly raise the bar in terms of their performance; with a firm focus on keeping their listener engaged and happy.

We’re proud to recognise and honour South Africa’s outstanding radio talent, from in-front-of-the-mic presenters to behind-the-scenes producers. In doing so, we hope to inspire people wishing to enter this dynamic industry. The 2015 MTN Radio Awards will be the sixth edition of this Awards programme. Winning an MTN Radio Award needs to be seen as a key achievement, something to be added to the individual’s or the station’s résumé.

Who will be amongst the winners at the Awards Banquet at the Sandton Convention Centre on Saturday 18th April? Get your entries in early.

About the Judges

Judges for the MTN Radio Awards are selected on the basis of their relevant experience and expertise.

With many of the adjudicators emanating from the radio industry, organizers have ensured that categories and tasks are allocated in such a manner as to ensure that no conflicts-of-interest arise (for example, no judge with a vested interest in a commercial station will be allowed to judge commercial station entries, and the same refers to PBS, Community and Campus). In addition, no single adjudicator has the ability to influence the results. Each adjudicator enters their scores online and has no view of the score that any other adjudicator is allocating. Once the adjudicators complete their judging and scoring, the data and the scores are audited by Sizwe Ntsaluba Gobodo to ensure absolute transparency of the results.

If you would like to nominate a judge, please submit your nomination to Lance Rothschild via e-mail to

The Team


Future Group, a media and marketing solutions company, is proud to bring you
The MTN Radio Awards. Co-founders Richard Lendrum and Jeremy Maggs acknowledge that the MTN Radio Awards would not be possible without the sponsorship and commitment of MTN. We continue to enjoy excellent support from MTN, still one of the foremost advertisers on radio in South Africa.


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